Basic concept of Mulligan ?

The Mulligan concept involves several different mobilising techniques to treat the spine. The technique also treats limbs affected by damage to spine. The mobilising technqiues include Natural Hypophyseal Glides (NAGs), Sustained Natural Hypophyseal Glides (SNAGs) and Mobilisations with Movement (MWMs). Your physiotherapist will select treatment appropriate to the individual and their pain.

Why go far Mulligan ?

The Mulligan concept uses specifically directed mobilisations of the spine whilst it is in a weight bearing position. The aim of these mobilisations is to increase the pain free range of movement of the spine and affected limbs. The mobilisations are repeated until this outcome is achieved.:
The Mulligan concept has the following benefits:

Reduces pain

Increase pain free range of movement of spine and limbs

Increases function

Where to utilise Mulligan ?

The Mulligan concept is beneficial for anyone with neck or back pain and resulting limb pain such as:

Joint stiffness in the back or neck as well as the arms or legs

Reduced range of movement in the back or neck as well as the arms or legs

Pain in the back or neck as well as the arms or legs.