A very important system of the human body is the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex
sophisticated network of nerves that regulates body's activities by carrying messages to and from the brain
and spinal cord.
This nervous system is a continued structure that slides and moves as we move too. Any reason such as a
spinal bulging disk, swollen joints, muscle spasm and swollen compartments that interrupt the normal
movement of the neural tissue will cause pain, decreased blood supply in the nerve and displacement of
the protection cover of the nerve, the myelin sheath.
Neural mobilization is a treatment modality used in relation to pathologies of the nervous system. It has
been suggested that neural mobilization is an effective treatment modality, although support of this
suggestion is primarily anecdotal. The purpose of this paper was to provide a systematic review of the
literature pertaining to the therapeutic efficacy of neural mobilization. A search to identify randomized
controlled trials investigating neural mobilization was conducted using the key words neural
mobilisation/mobilization, nerve mobilisation/mobilization, neural manipulative physical therapy, physical
therapy, neural/nerve glide, nerve glide exercises, nerve/neural treatment, nerve/neural stretching,
neurodynamics, and nerve/neural physiotherapy.
Neural mobilization techniques help bring back mobility to the neural tissue by utilizing a gentle
flossing-like technique aimed to freeing up a specific compromised nerve by its surrounding structures.